Earlier, videos of Mathira Khan, Minahil Malik, and Imsha Rehman were allegedly leaked, rocking the Pakistani influencer community. Kanwal Aftab, who became the recent victim of the Pakistan MMS Before that, a private video of Pakistan TikTok star Imsha Rehman went viral, showing her in an intimate position. She faced a lot of backlash from social media users, who accused her of Pakistani Influencer Kanwal Aftab Private Video Leak After Minahil Malik, à¤à¥à¤¨ हॠ| Boldsky. Boldsky. Maya G Viral Video Tiktoker - Maya G - Maya g full video- Maya g. Trending Videos. pakistani imsha rehman viral video. Trending Now. 1:17. Aroob jatoi leak video viral. Rizwan Badar. Kanwal Aftab, aged 26, has yet to address the scandal publicly. Pakistani TikTok star Imsha Rehman has been trending on Google Search for over a week after a controversial video of hers went viral. Despite India's ban on Chinese social media platforms, Rehman has gained significant popularity across This is the fourth such incident within a span of a few weeks. Prominent Pakistani influencer Kanwal Aftab's alleged video leak comes after similar incidents involving celebrities Mathira Khan, Minahil Malik and Imsha Rehman. According to reports, the leaked images and videos allegedly show Kanwal Aftab in a 'compromising situation'. MMS leaks of Imsha Rehman, Maryam Faisal, Kanwal Aftab and others has raised an alarm in Pakistan. By: Pakistani TikToker Imsha Rehman viral video has been trending on Google Search for over a week, following a viral video that garnered widespread attention. Despite the ban on Chinese social media platforms like TikTok in India, Rehman has Kanwal Aftab, a Pakistani TikTok star, is facing a leaked video scandal. This follows similar leaks involving Mathira Khan, Minahil Malik, and Imsha Rehman. Aftab is married to fellow TikToker Zulqarnain Sikandar. They have a child. Aftab has millions of followers on social media. She has previously spoken about her difficult
childhood. The leaks have rocked the Pakistani influencer community. Kanwal Aftab And Imsha Rehman full video available . . . . . . . . . . Viral Leak Video Of Kanwal Aftab And Imsha Rehman Recently, a series of incidents involving leaked inappropriate videos of TikTokers has surfaced. Prior to this, videos of Mathira, Imsha Rehman, and Manahil Malik went viral, and now Kanwal Aftab 1/6 Pakistan TikToker Imsha Rehman viral video has dominated Google search trends for weeks following the leak of an intimate MMS clip. The video spread rapidly across social media, sparking intense debates, especially in Pakistan and India. Influencer Kanwal Aftab was also swept up in controversy when an MMS video, allegedly featuring her